We played this game, she and I, that when I cleaned, she would show her appreciation by giving me a lap dance. In a way it was a very serious game; it was meant to give me back the power that I felt drained from me by spending my days keeping house, and it all started back when we first met online, when we were doing what we often did back then, talking about what it would be like when we finally got to live together.
You see, she knew I had this baggage about cleaning. She knew I had grown up, just like so many of us had, watching our mothers sweat and slave and not be appreciated for it, and how I had ended up in a similar situation for nine years of my life, feeling equally unappreciated and unfulfilled. And even though she had a job and I didn’t, and it was my baggage, and my responsibility to deal with it, she created this wonderful way to help me get over it.
Of course, it was just a fantasy, and you don't really expect fantasies to come true, but this one did. So every time I cleaned there was a sexual reward waiting for me when I was finished, not always a lap dance, but always something that would make me feel content, powerful, and once again in control.
One day while I was giving our home a complete going over, I remembered something she had said to me that very first day when she had introduced the fantasy. She told me how it would surprise her if I happened to be wearing a strap-on when she came to give me my reward.
As I loaded the dishwasher, finding it difficult to concentrate on getting the little bits of egg and cheese off of the plates, I remembered my initial reaction to her proposal and I chuckled. I didn't think I'd get off on the lap dancing thing; I thought it carried with it way too much of the dirty old man connotation. But that didn't last very long as she described what she would do.
She told me of how she would come to me naked, and straddle me where I sat waiting. How she’d press her breasts against my face, teasing her taut nipples against my mouth, letting me suck on them for just a bit, and then lowering her weight down onto my lap, intending to rhythmically move against me, running the palms of her hands over my body, undressing me, seducing me with her feather light touches, till I could no longer contain the fire inside of me, till I took what she had to offer, till I took her.
... But as she’d lowered herself onto my lap she’d feel the hardness between my legs and she’d know that I was already wanting to take her. It was just a matter of time, a matter of prolonging the pleasure for both of us for as long as we could...
As I took the vacuum out of the hall closet and plugged it in, I felt the same rush of heat at my crotch as I had that very first day when I took over the fantasy, describing to her what would happen next. I told her how she would smile at me as she unzipped my fly, and how I’d hear the intake of her breath as she saw her favorite blue silicone dil spring out of the confinement of my jeans.
I remembered how my voice had grown husky and my mouth felt dry as I spoke of how I’d pull her close to kiss her deeply, her legs straddling my hips once more, and of how much pleasure I’d have watching her lower herself down onto my silicon appendage, knowing that it was filling her, ... that I was filling her.
Slowly she would begin to move up and down, finding her rhythm. With each downward push I’d feel more and more of her weight, aware of how the roughness of my jeans and the coldness of its zipper must now be rubbing against her soft flesh. I’d watch her eyes as the pleasure began to consume her, and see that far away look. I’d hear her moaning as she moved faster and faster, my own muscles contracting underneath her as I felt the power inside of me pushing to match her rhythm, grunting myself as I felt her weight pushing the back of the dil hard against my own swollen clit.
My finger tips would be raking into the flesh on her back as she leaned forward, completely lost now in the fuck, and I’d be lost in her, in her scent, in the softness of her breasts bobbing against my face, in the wild look in her eyes, … feeling the animal inside of me straining to break free as well.
“That’s it baby, let it go”, I’d say; “let it go for me”. And then as she sat back, plunging the dil deep inside of her, her hands clenching the back of the chair, her head flung back, and her eyes closed, she’d come; her orgasm wracking her body in spasms, breaking free from her open mouth with a long, low, guttural cry.
Still moving on me she’d slump forward, and I’d hold her close, kissing her wherever my lips touched, running my hands gently over her glistening body.
“Now it’s my turn”, I’d whisper, “And I’m going to take what’s mine, right here and now”.
And she’d know what I intended to do, because she’d see the look in my eyes, and the set of my jaw, and she would smile, knowing just how hard it was for me then to stay in control, despite the forcefulness of my words. She’d then raise herself off of me, always with that little sigh of regret, and she’d lay prone over the tabletop, vulnerable, presenting me with her voluptuous ass.
“I am yours you know.” She’d say in that silky soft voice of hers, and I’d agree, quickly removing my jeans and the strap-on; telling her in turn how much I loved her, and how much I wanted and needed her.
And then hungrily I’d press against her, pushing hard and fast against her soft flesh, my clit so swollen I could feel it sliding between her cheeks with each thrust, lost in her, driven by my need for release....
Realizing that I had been scrubbing the bathroom sink for much too long, I cleared my throat, and standing back I examined the porcelain to make sure that my efforts had at least been effective. Everything looked just fine; it looked perfect in fact. The whole house was spotlessly clean. Our little game certainly was an efficient way for me to keep my side of the bargain.
Stripping off my Comet smelling clothes I climbed into the shower and let the hot water pour over my face and shoulders. “I don’t think there’s a more content housekeeper out there”, I thought with a chuckle, “but tonight things are going to be just a bit different. It’s about time she reaped the rewards of what she’s been giving to me.” And that thought, more effectively than the hot water or soap, washed away the remaining traces of cleanser and drudgery from my soul.
I've never written erotica as I wouldn't know where to start. Never read much either (I know, sheltered life:-) so I must admit I was a bit wary when I read your post and followed the link.
But I'm glad I did. I liked this because it said so much more about the character than just sex. I think a lot of us grow up with baggage about cleaning and this character and her partner certainly found a healthy way to keep the balance of power equal.
Like Helen said too, the last line is great. And well done for being brave! I hope you're going to submit this somewhere.
Good very good. I'm with Lane submit it somewhere. TFx
Really? submit it someplace, I mean. Huh. :) Maybe, once I fix that second last sentence....
Lane, I'm very pleased you gave it a read. I wasn't sure if you would or not. Sorry about almost frightening you off with my disclaimer. I guess I was so worried about what people might think, that I over compensated. ... and I wasn't about to say, this is a great piece of fiction that has more to it than hot sex... That's up to the reader to decide for themselves, ... so I'm very pleased you liked it, and for the reasons you said. Thank you! :)
Tom... TF, ... Tommy, Sweet Tom, Tomtom... ... Heck, I don't know how to address you TF; (chuckling) Anyway, thank you for reading, and for your short but, very to the point praise. Thank you! :)
Your writing is great and I know there is a market for this kind of writing. Put 'Erotica' in to a search engine.
Best wishes & ((Hugs))
Annie, I did do a search for erotica, but I had to be a bit more specific to find submission requests. (Grin)
I did actually find something though where this story fits all the criteria, and I can't believe I am considering submitting it....
BTW, thank you for the compliment. :)
Glad to have found your blog. I quite enjoy your writing, your pacing, you choice and use of words. Quite a remarkable ride!
I'll be happily back to read more!
Thank you, ...Running; I hope to have something to post soon.
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